Privacy policy

Security of personal data code

The visit of the website is free and no registration is required, except for some areas where the user can clearly and freely give his data to use some specific services.

Owner of the data processing

The owner of the personal data processing is "Triflor di Tricarico Luigi" (“manager”), with head office in Terlizzi, C.da Cicalito sn - 70038
(BA - Italy)


Email address

Types of data processed

To gain access to the website no registration is needed. However, there are services where personal data could be required (e.g. to contact us through a contact form). In this case the users will be informed earlier by the operator of the purpose of the request of data and how they will be used, under Article 13 DL-196/2003. If necessary, the user will allow the operator to use his data. For example, personal information could be requested such as name, surname, phone number, email address and other information the user accept to give to use the services of the website through the filling of a registration form. The operator will use personal information collected only for the reasons indicated in the request (registration / contact request / etc)

Further information about the data processing could be published in the different parts of the website related to the specific services.

Information related to the website (URLs of the resources requested, time of the request, system used to present it to the server, size of the file obtained as a reply, numeric code indicating the status of the reply given by the server (successful conclusion, error, etc) and other criteria connected to the operative system and to the IT environment of the user) are collected independently by the server on which the website is published to obtain statistics of the use of the website and to control the proper functioning. Data could be employed to verify the responsibilities in case of cybercrime against the website.

Procedure of the contribution of personal data

Contribution of personal information has an optional nature. In some cases the lack of contribution could cause the inaccessibility of specific services.

Procedure of processing of data and communication area

Data could be processed on either electronic mediums and paper documents. The operator guarantees the legal processing and the accuracy of personal data provided through the website, in compliance with the current legislation as well as the strict confidentiality of the data provided.

Data will not be reported or spread to third parties except for the limits and terms indicated in the informative supplied to the user every time and before his authorisation. In absence of a specific informative no data will be disclosed.

Links to other websites

This informative is provided only for the website and not for other websites visited through links. The operator is not responsible for the information given to external parties or websites related.


The website uses technical “Cookies”: information about cookies employed on this website are available in the indicated informative

Location of processing data

The processing data connected to the services offered by the website is carried out at the office of the “manager” reported above.

Rights of data subjectsUnder Article 7 DL-196/2003 the user has the right to get information about his personal data, including: the confirm of the presence or absence of personal data, their source, the purpose and the procedure of their processing, the approach with electronic devices, contact details of the owner or the leaders, the parties or the officers to which data could be transmitted (or become aware of them as supervisor or individual in charge); the update, so the correction as addition of data, if anyone took an interest in; the deletion, the conversion in an anonymised form or the blocking of data in breach of law; the user has the right to object, in whole or in part, to the processing of personal data concerning him or her, provided for commercial information or send of advertising material or direct selling for market research or for commercial advertising.

Revision clause

The operator reserves his right to review the “Privacy Policy” anytime without notice and in any way at his discretion.

Pot Plants
Plants from Bulbs
Plants from Cuttings
Plants from Meristem
Plants from Seed